Protected areas

Summary Global Guidelines Technical and interactive resources

Protected areas remain the cornerstone of most conservation strategies. Protected areas are places set aside to secure biodiversity and ecosystem services. Many also have cultural, spiritual and recreational values. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) defines a protected area as “a geographically defined area which is designated or regulated and managed to achieve specific conservation objectives,” while IUCN says, “A clearly defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.” The CBD recognizes the two definitions as equivalent.

The way that protected areas are managed varies considerably. There are several very different protected area management categories, agreed by IUCN and recognized by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). To be recognized as a protected area a site must first meet the definition and then (on a voluntary basis) be matched to a category. Management ranges from strict protection to living landscapes and seascapes where people and nature co-exist. As new approaches to area-based conservation are developed, management in categories V and VI protected areas is sometimes similar to strategies since recognized in Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) and determining where a particular type of area-based conservation falls on the spectrum of opportunities is going to be one of the important tasks of plans relating to Target 3.

“Legal or other effective means” shows that protected areas can be flexible tools, which can be officially designated by governments and enshrined in law but can also be self-declared areas managed by local communities or private individuals. What matters is whether they work to conserve nature. “To achieve the long-term conservation of nature” emphasizes the importance of long-term investing in the skills, finance and local support to ensure that protected areas are effective.

Note also that IUCN’s guidance recognizes that up to a quarter of a protected area can be used for other purposes (e.g., settlement, tourist facilities) as long as this does not interfere with nature conservation – the 75% rule. There are also different ways of governing protected areas: by national or local government, by a variety of private profit or non-profit entities, by Indigenous peoples and local communities and finally through various forms of shared governance.

IUCN has defined a series of principles for protected areas, some of the most important are:

– Only those areas where the main objective is conserving nature can be considered protected areas; this can include many areas with other goals as well, at the same level, but in the case of conflict, nature conservation will be the priority.

– Not all categories are equally useful in every situation.

– Protected areas should not be used as an excuse for dispossessing people of their land.

The CBD and IUCN refer to four governance types:

Governance by government: national and/or subnational ministries/agencies and government-delegated management (e.g., to a non-government organisation (NGO)).

Private governance: individual owners, non-profit entities (e.g., NGOs, universities, cooperatives) or for-profit organizations (individual or corporate).

Governance by Indigenous peoples or local communities: territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples or local communities (referred to in some CBD decisions as Indigenous and community conserved areas (ICCAs), and in some contexts also referred to as “territories of life,” Indigenous and community-conserved areas and territories, and/or a wide variety of context-based names).

Shared governance: collaborative and co-governed governing bodies of different (governmental and/or non-governmental) actors as well as transboundary governance.

– Protected areas and OECMs can both be governed under any of these types – noting that their designation / identification must be by or with the consent of their governing authority, respecting rights to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC)

Systems of protected areas

Target 3 specifically refers to ‘systems’ of protected areas and OECMs. A system refers to a protected areas and OECMs network along with its governance and management and key actors. A national or subnational protected areas and OECMs system may include terrestrial, inland water, and marine and coastal areas (particularly those important for biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services) being conserved through different measures, recognizing indigenous and traditional territories – and under different governance types.

Like sites, these systems should be effectively managed, equitably governed, ecologically representative, well connected and integrated, with recognition and respect for the rights of Indigenous peoples and local communities. A system should be more than the sum of its parts, but a goal in itself, to address needs such as representativeness.

Protected Area Provisions in the Convention on Biological Diversity

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is the most important international legal instrument addressing protected areas. The term “protected area” is defined in Article 2 of the Convention as “a geographically defined area, which is designated or regulated and managed to achieve specific conservation objectives”.


Guidelines for applying protected area management categories including IUCN WCPA best practice guidance on recognising protected areas and assigning management categories and governance types

This resource provides a framework for selecting the appropriate category for a particular protected area, as well as information on the different management objectives and characteristics of each category. It also contains best practice guidance for recognising protected areas and assigning them categories and governance types. Protected areas are essential for conserving biodiversity and play a vital role in protecting ecosystems, habitats, and species. They also provide a variety of other benefits, such as recreation, education, and tourism. The following categories described in the resource can be used to help plan and manage protected areas: Ia: Strict nature reserve; Ib: Wilderness area; II: National park; III: National monument or feature; IV: Habitat/species management area; V: Protected landscape/seascape; VI: Protected area with sustainable use of natural resources.

The publication contains eight main sections under the first part on guidelines for applying protected area categories: 1. Background; 2. Definition and categories; 3. Governance; 4. Applying the categories; 5. Using the categories; 6. Specialised applications; 7. International conservation initiatives; 8. Effectiveness of the IUCN categories. The second part of the publication on best practice guidance includes four additional sections 1. Introduction; 2. Background to Assignment; 3. Assignment Process; 4. Frequently asked questions about category and governance type assignment.

Key Take aways

  1. A protected area is defined as “A clearly defined geographical space, recognised, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values”.
  1. The IUCN protected area management categories are a tool to classify protected areas according to their management objectives and characteristics. The categories can be used to help plan and manage their protected areas. The categories are: Ia: Strict nature reserve; Ib: Wilderness area; II: National park; III: National monument or feature; IV: Habitat/species management area; V: Protected landscape/seascape; VI: Protected area with sustainable use of natural resources.

3. When choosing a management approach for a protected area, ecological needs and threats to species or ecosystems should be considered, as well as the protected area’s objectives and its contribution to landscape and global biodiversity conservation. Stakeholders’ needs, capacities, and desires should also be taken into account, and more restrictive management categories are not always better. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and a variety of management approaches can be effective in different situations.

Protected Planet is the most up to date and complete source of data on protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs), updated monthly with submissions from governments, non-governmental organizations, landowners and communities.
Protected Planet

Guidelines for Privately Protected Areas have been developed as part of IUCN’s best practice series.
Guidelines for Privately Protected Areas
Videos and webinars explaining these guidelines are available here

Privately Protected Areas – Podcast with Miquel Rafa

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This podcast discusses how privately protected areas (PPAs) can help get us to 30×30. Miquel Rafa, chair of the IUCN WCPA’s Specialist Group on Privately Protected Areas and Stewardship shares on:

– How to ensure PPAs are durable and effective
– Their role in connectivity
– Better identification and counting of PPA towards area-based conservation goals
– What governments can do to develop, expand and improve PPA networks and
– The reasons why people protect private lands: passion for conservation and nature!

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